Widex FM Dex

£288.00 (£240.00 ex VAT)

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SKU: 5446 Category: Tags: ,

Widex FM DEX – £240.00 ex VAT – £288.00 inc VAT

N.B. This product MAY be eligible for supply at a zero rate of VAT. If applicable you can select this option at checkout stage, make a simple declaration, and the VAT element at its current rate will be removed from the purchase price reducing the purchase cost substantially. N.B. Eligibility of zero rated supply is dependent on being a UK resident and the purchase must be for personal (not business) use and paid from personal funds. More details are available on the checkout page.

This product is available to UK customers only.

FOR FLEXIBLE STREAMING – FM DEX converts signals from a Phonak Roger receiver, telecoil or line in and streams them to your wireless Widex hearing aids.

STREAM FROM ROGER, TELECOIL OR LINE IN – The FM DEX is a high-quality streaming device designed specifically for hearing aids. It converts signals from a Roger receiver, telecoil or line in and streams them to Widex wireless hearing aids. It is compact and user-friendly, and you can easily operate it with a toggle button for program selection and volume control.

A rechargeable battery in the FM DEX provides up to ten hours of streaming. It is also designed with an optional function for locking program and volume and comes with a retention solution suitable for children. The FM DEX is ideal in a variety of situations such as the classroom, meetings, lectures and concerts.

No pairing is required either. The Widex FM DEX works straight out of the box with the more recent Widex wireless hearing aids. For example, Widex Clear, Dream, Unique, Beyond and Moment, Fusion, Passion, Super.

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